Yves Le Forsonnay - Managing Director GM Austria"ChangeMaker was very professional, improvisation skills & talent helped to keep the mood high, systematically displayed dynamism and a sense of urgency. Tough but open discussions took place between groups having different interests and agendas ... great in stimulating good spirit, respect and solidarity between all parties"
An inspirational presenter to conferences, a challenging facilitator of leadership groups, experienced business consultant and executive coach. Chris prefers to be known as a change maker!
A UK pioneer in the use of experiential learning for management development in the outdoor environment, Andy has maintained his enthusiasm for innovative learning methods and translated this to a successful career as consultant and facilitator to businesses undergoing change. He has 30 years experience as a trainer and consultant and 20 years leading a successful business.
An organisational performance and leadership development specialist with a strong commercial background and 20 years international experience in Organisation Development, Succession Planning, Competencies, Talent Pipeline Development, Senior Team effectiveness and HR strategy development.
A multi-skilled operations specialist with experience as an international office manager in the Education sector.
A highly commercial, international HR consultant experienced in leading and facilitating major business transformations with a 25 year background of Strategic HR, Leadership & Organisation Development and coaching in a range of global blue-chip companies.